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Dream Logos Wiki
1993-2005 2005-2014 2022 2022-present
1993-2005 2005-2014 2022 2022-present



Stg 2

WIN West Country was originally launched in 1993 as Westcountry, an American-only channel, owned by El TV Kadsre Television Network and ITV America Holdings.



The channel underwent minor changes in 2005, marking Westcountry's becoming a dedicated channel in Brazil, as a break with ITV America. This channel was closed in 2014.

WIN Westcountry[]


WINWestcountry 2022

West Country was finally relaunched as WIN Westcountry, as part of the Brazilian Government's selection of Westcountry broadcasting winners since 2014. After the permit was obtained, Westcountry decided not to broadcast again until 2021, whereupon the government also postponed the return of old TVs in 4 Amazonica regions until 2021.

WIN West Country started broadcasting as of 21 January 2021 and became the main channel exclusively in Acre, Amazonas, Rondônia & Roraima since Amapá already had its channel from 1 February of the same year. Also just like the other channels, the new logo officially launched as part to customize other WIN affiliate channels and part to strengthen identity as WIN main network. Unfortunately this channel was short-lived, as it separated from WIN due to conflict.

WestTV Amazonas[]


With the short life of WIN West Country, Grupo West Country took over the position of WIN as the holder to the new owner of RedeCom on April 3, 2022, ahead of WIN's reformation into TVCB. RedeCom actually agreed to what Grupo Westcountry did because it was considered the only way to separate the WIN branding (which is a compulsion for every television).

On April 6, 2022, WIN West Country became the first affiliate of TVCB (and the first time separating the use of Westcountry in Acre, Roraima and Rondônia) and the new name was set as WestTV.

VTE TVCB affiliate stations
Current stations:

Brazil (satellite feed): TVCB 1
Amazonas: WestTV Amazonas (Itacoatiara, Manaus, Parintins)
Acre: WestTV Acre (Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Branco)
Roraima: UMB TV Roraima (Boa Vista)
Rondônia: WestTV Rondônia (Pimenta Bueno, Ariquemes, Cacoal , Guajará-Mirim, Ji-Paraná, Porto Velho, Alta Floresta d'Oeste, Vilhena)
Amapá: WestTV Amapá (Macapá, Ferreira Gomes, Laranjal do Jari, Serra do Navio)
Pará: TVCB 1 Pará1 (Altamira, Belém, Castanhal, Itaituba, Tailândia, Capanema, Marabá, Vitória do Xingu, Paragominas, Parauapebas, Redenção, São Miguel do Guamá, Tucuruí) | TV Santarèm Central (Santarém)
Tocantins: Rede Mega Tocantins (Araguaína, Gurupi, Palmas)
Maranhão: TVCB 1 Maranhão1 (Balsas, Santa Inês, Bacabal, Caxias, Codó, Imperatriz, São Luís)
Piauí: PBC Piauí (Teresina) | TV Central Brasil (Floriano, Parnaíba)
Ceará: SIT Ceará (Fortaleza, Juazeiro do Norte)
Rio Grande do Norte: RNtv (Natal, Mossoró)
Paraíba: TVCB 1 Paraíba1 (João Pessoa, Campina Grande)
Pernambuco: RCT Nordeste (Olinda, Recife, Caruaru, Petrolina)
Alagoas: TV Megahertz de Alagoas (Maceió)
Sergipe: TVCB 1 Sergipe1 (Aracaju)
Bahia: TVCB 1 Bahia1 (Barreiras, Feira de Santana, Itabuna, Juazeiro, Salvador, Vitória da Conquista)
Brasília: TVCB 1 Brasília1
Goiás: Rede Mega Goiás (Anápolis, Catalão, Goiânia, Itumbiara, Jataí, Luziânia, Porangatu, Rio Verde)
Mato Grosso: MCStv (Cuiabá, Rondonópolis, Barra do Garças, Lucas do Rio Verde, Confresa, Marcelândia, Alta Floresta, Paranatinga, Sinop, Tangará da Serra)
Mato Grosso do Sul: MCStv (Campo Grande, Corumbá, Ponta Porã)
Espírito Santo: UMB TV Espírito Santo (Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Colatina, Linhares, Vitória)
Rio de Janeiro: TVCB 1 Rio1 | TV Leste Fluminense (Cabo Fri, Campos dos Goytacazes, Nova Friburgo/Petrópolis, Barra Mansa, Resende/Volta Redonda)
Minas Gerais: TVCB 1 Minas1 (Belo Horizonte) | TVCB 1 Varginha (Varginha) | PBC Interior (Araxá, Montes Claros, Coronel Fabriciano/Governador Valadares, Ituiutaba, Juiz de Fora, Uberaba, Uberlândia)
São Paulo: TVCB 1 São Paulo1 | PBC Central (Araçatuba, Osasco, Mogi das Cruzes, Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos) | UMB TV (Presidente Prudente, Bauru, Itapetininga, São José do Rio Preto, Sorocaba) | Rede Mega Paulista (Santos) | WestTV Litoral Vale (São José dos Campos, Taubaté)
Paraná: TVCB 1 Paraná1 (Apucarana, Cascavel, Curitiba, Francisco Beltrão, Cornélio Procópio, Foz do Iguaçu, Guarapuava, Londrina, Maringá, Paranavaí, Ponta Grossa, Toledo)
Santa Catarina: TVCB 1 Santa Catarina1 (Blumenau, Xanxerê, Chapecó, Criciúma, Itajaí, Florianópolis, Joaçaba, Lages, Joinville)
Rio Grande do Sul: TV Vanguarda RS (Bagé, Caxias do Sul, Cruz Alta, Erechim, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Maria, Santa Rosa, Uruguaiana)

Parent companies of affiliated stations:
Rede Alfa | UMB | PBC | Grupo Westcountry de Comunicação | Grupo Vanguarda | Sistema Matogrossense de Comunicação | Rede Mega | Sistema Independente de Televisão
Former: Sistema Red de Comunicação | Sistema Rede Carlton | Mediacorp Brasil | Network 10 Paranaense de Comunicação | Grupo Radar TV | Grupo Jaime Tribuna | Tele Ex de Comunicação

Former stations:
TV Red Vitoria | AMTV | Rede Criança | Rede Wand | Carlton | Rede Cidade | TV Coligadas (moved to Globo) | WIN Cariri | WIN Teresina | WIN Floriano | WIN Tocantins

Defunct stations:
WIN (Rosário, Maranhão) (from 1990-1992)

1Owned-and-operated station
Lean as main station

TVCBBR April2022
VTE Mein Corporation

RedeCom | New Network Television | RedeCom International | Western Communications

Mein Entertainment Content:
Film production companies:
21st Century Pictures | Bay Pictures | Filmes da RedeCom | NTB Productions | Produções TVCB | Spicy Animation | Spicy Classics | Spicy Pictures | SpriteFilms | SpritePictures

Home entertainment companies:
NTB Home Entertainment | Spicy Home Entertainment

Television production companies:
Bay Television | Mein Media Ventures | NTB Studios

Broadcast Networks:
United States: CRS | TeleNews Radio4 | Be93 | Cable News Channel
International: National Television Broadcasting (United Kingdom) | TVCB (Brazil) | MDTV (Australia) | Redecom Portugal Radiodifusão (Portugal) | MeinTV5 (Indonesia)

Domestic channels:
NTB One | NTB Two | NTB Three | NTB Showcase | NTB Choice | NTB Culture | NTB News 24

TVCB 1 | TVCB 2 | TVCB 3 | TVCB News | TVCB Cinema | TVCB Prime | TVCB Esporte | TVCB Internacional

RPR 1 | RPR 2 | RPR 3 | RPR Hub

Other channels: Cinema One America4 | DramaTV | Educational Network | Kids Channel | Mega Channel | MeinPlus | MoviesTV | SportsTV | The Women Network | TV270

International channels:
Canada: TV Com Canada | Oasina: Mega Channel Oasina | MegaThai Xtra | Mega News Oasina | Philippines: Mein Filipino | Singapore: The Central Network | Mega Channel Singapore | UK & Ireland: Channel 23 UK

Digital assets:
Bucket Stream | CRS Deportes en línea | Good Jakarta News Network | Mein Player | Noticiero CRS en línea | XMax

Internet properties:
All-Access Newsletter | Honey Online | BrasilLive | BrasilLiving | Good Jakarta Portal News | Mein Online | UKLiving

Mein Printed Publications Media:
Koran Mein Indonesia | Mein Weekly Books

Other assets:
Atlanta Cable News Channel | Austin Cable News Channel | Baltimore Cable News Channel | Charlotte Cable News Channel | CRS Deportes | DFW Cable News Channel | Fentek Television Network (15%) | Houston Cable News Channel | Mein Audio | Mein Childern's in Need | Mein Creative In-House | Mein Digital Services | Mein Domestic Media Networks | Mein EyeQ | Mein Film&Pictures Production | Mein Global Content Distribution | Mein International Network | Mein Lifestyle | Mein Local | Mein News | Mein Proms | Mein Sports | Mein Streaming | Mein Studio Center | Mein Television Center | Mein Vantage | Mein Vision | Mein Worldwide Studios | New York Cable News Channel | Noticiero CRS | Philly Cable News Channel

MBN | MBN Broadcasting House | MBN Tower | MBN Television Stations | MBN News | MBN Sports | MBN (broadcasting division) | Fenix | Chronostorm | T&C Corporation | TMK News | TMK Corp. Russia | The WN | GFMM | Neunuo Holdings | HHB-ZEE Media | Chronoteve | NOWO | RedeCom Production & Holdings | June Media | Mein World | RedeCom Brasil | Organizações WIN | WIN Network | GJH Productions | GJH Pictures | GJH Studios | GJN Sound | Halogen HD | XPlay | RedeCom+ | Mein News Channel | Toonsat | Endemol Shine Mini | Mini TV | Mini Internacional | Glyx TV | Televisão Mix | Televisão Mix Internacional | Ultra Text | Zee 3/Other | CZee | Zee 4 | ZEE Info | Zee.com | XOnline | Spike+ | Zee News | MExperience | RCSatelite | RContent | ComRadio Network | Economic Networks | SpriteTV Corporation | Star EBS News1 | RedeCom Studios | RedeCom Studios International | Toonsat Studios | Chronostorm Studios | Estúdios TVCB | JPM Studios | MBN Media Ventures | MBN News Studios | MBN Sports Studios | MBN Studios | JPM Productions | MBN News Productions | MBN+ Original | MBN Sports Films | RedeCom Pictures | RedeCom Productions | Toonsat Productions | MBN DVD | MBN Home Entertainment | Toonsat Live

1Joint Venture with Disney Networks Philippines.
2Joint venture with CBS Sports through Paramount.
3Joint venture with Nine Entertainment Co.
4Joint venture with ABS-CBN
5Co-owned by MNC Group

Mein Corporation 2023
VTE El TV Kadsre Television Network
El TV Kadsre 2017

El TV Kadsre 1 (Other) | El TV Kadsre 2 (Other) | El TV Kadsre 3 (Other) | El TV Kadsre 4 (Other) | El TV Kadsre 5 (Other) | El TV Kadsre 24 | El TV Kadsre Spanish | El TV Kadsre Japanese | El TV Kadsre Français | El TV Kadsre Crootch | El TV Kadsre Filipino | El TV Kadsre Vicnoran | El TV Kadsre Korean | El TV Kadsre German | El TV Kadsre Arabic | El TV Kadsre Russian | El TV Kadsre Toki Pona | ETVKK | ETVKK Retro | ETVKK Labs | ETVKPS | El TV Kadsre HD | El TV Kadsre 4K | El TV Kadsre C1 | El TV Kadsre C2 | El TV Kadsre Parliament | El TV Kadsre Education | El TV Kadsre Sports | El TV Kadsre Eukestauzia | El TV Kadsre Ikeda | El TV Kadsre Taugaran | El TV Kadsre Lechutan | El TV Kadsre Artist Center | El TV Kadsre Community Support Foundation | El TV Kadsre Television (On-screen logos) | El TV Kadsre Television Centre | El TV Kadsre Dish Corporation (Interstellar | Extennel) | El Kadsreian Theater | The Docs | Home Economics Channel | Lauren Television | Nickelodeon (65%) | Nick Jr. (65%) | Nicktoons (65%) | Sonic Nickelodeon (50%) | Disney Channel | Disney XD | Disney Junior | El TV Kadsre Store | NTV (Other) | PAX (Romrac) | UKN (Co-owned with the Banushen Media Corporation) (Other) | Kadsreian Greetings (50%) (co-owned with American Greetings) | El TV Kadsre Retro

VETN 2017
VTVEN (Other) | TWO2 (Other)

Treet 2017
Treet TV1 (Other) | Treet TV2 (Other) | 2k | MNC | Treet Television | Treet Films | Treet Home Entertainment | Treet News | Treet International

STN 2017
STN 1 (Other) | STN 2 (Other) | STN Productions

EYE Network Official 2017
EYE TV1 (Other) | EYE TV2 | EYE TV3 | EYE TV Update | EYE Films

El TV Kadsre News 2017
El TV Kadsre News at 6 | El TV Kadsre News at 3 | 8.00 | El TV Kadsre Sportflash | The Newsroom | Breakfast | Insiders

SCL1 | SCL2 | SCL3 | SCL4 | SCL5 | SCL Premiere | SCL Everywhere | SCL ETVKK | SCL Vicnoran


NRTN 1 | NRTN 2 | NRTN 3 | NRTN 4 | NRTN K | El TV Kadsre Neon District

Kliphomedia logo
Kliphocyran Television | KTV Vhillurok | KTV Ruvim | KTV Kirhuwu | KTV Kipariki | KTV Erep & Urdu | KTV Parker & Samuel | KTV News | ETVKK on KTV | ETVKK Raland | KTV Films | KTV Video

Pira TV Group 2022
Pira TV | Pira TV 2 | Pira TV 3 | Pira TV 4 | Pira TV 5 | ETVKK (Piramca) | ETVKPS (Piramca) | Pira TV News | Pira TV Sports | Pira TV Music | ETVKK Retro (Piramca) | Pira TV Ikenian

El TV Kadsre International 2017
El TV Kadsre America | El TV Kadsre Africa | El TV Kadsre Europe | El TV Kadsre Asia | El TV Kadsre Oceania | Current Super News (Australia) | Canal 11 (Olivera) | HT El Kadsre (Helvmark) co-owned by Helvsk Televisen | Hjallfordian Three (Hjallford) co-owned by Hjallfords Televisjon | CNT (Croeya) co-owned by Turner Broadcasting System | Q1 (Kensland) co-owned by Que Communications Network | Q2 (Kensland) co-owned by Que Communications Network | Alexonia 1 (Alexonia) | CNP (Philippines) co-owned by Bombo Radyo Philippines | TVA (Celdonia) | TVES (Rastvania) co-owned by CubenRocks | GTN (Goiky) | GOLD (Oceania) | Deluxe TV (United States) | Central 12 (Aubarole) | Engary8 (Engary) | Network Land (International and USA, 100% mistake) | El Cuatro (Cuswon)

El TV Kadsre Radio Network 2017
Radio 21 | Radio 22 | Radio 23 | El TV Kadsre FM | Radio Classical | Radio Italo | Triple J (Triple J TV) | Triple J Unearthed | Double J

Top 40 and hit radio
Self Radio (El Kadsre) | Lips 106 (Mahri) | Non-Stop-Pop FM (North El Kadsre) | The Splash (Sentan) | Jam FM (Vicnora)
Hot adult top 40 and adult contemporary
| Sky Radio Glonisla (Glonisla)
Hits FM (El Kadsre) | Head Radio (Mahri) | Power FM (North El Kadsre) | Yellow Radio (Sentan) | Stars Radio (Vicnora)
R&B and hip-hop
Yo! (El Kadsre) | Game FM (Mahri) | Beat FM (North El Kadsre) | The Vibe (Sentan) | Radio Vicnora (Vicnora)
Rock and alternative
EKRock (El Kadsre) | Channel X (Mahri) | Winamp Radio (North El Kadsre) | Radio Z (Sentan) | Vicnora Hardcore (Vicnora)
Easy listening
Smooth FM (El Kadsre) | Free FM (Mahri) | Jupiter Plus (North El Kadsre) | Sky Radio (Sentan) | Wildstyle (Vicnora)
News and talk
The Big Radio (El Kadsre) | Chatterbox FM (Mahri) | Radio Live (North El Kadsre) | RadioSentan (Sentan) | Intergrity 3.0 (Vicnora)
Latin music
Salsa FM (El Kadsre) | Radio Esplanade (Mahri) | Beach Radio (North El Kadsre) | San Sentan FM (Sentan) | El Radio (Vicnora)
J-Pop and Japanese music
Japan FM (El Kadsre) | Tomoshi (Mahri) | Radio Nico (North El Kadsre) | Sauzki (Sentan) | Vicnora Metropolis (Vicnora)

Subarashi Productions | Technic | Globalshi | Ster

Movie, Home Entertainment, and Animation:
El TV Kadsre Films (On-screen logos) | El TV Kadsre Film Classics | X-Scope Films | Helcar Films (Capulco) | Lumi Pictures (Glonisla) | R.A. Releasing (United States) | National Productions | Qix Films (India) | Teatro Pictures (Iberia) | Takibayan Interactive (Philippines) | El TV Kadsre Home Entertainment (Warning screens | On-screen logos) | El TV Kadsre Kids Home Entertainment | El TV Kadsre Animation (On-screen logos) | El TV Kadsre Cinemas | El TV Kadsre Advertising | Power Network

Games and Media:
El TV Kadsre Video Electronic System (game console) | El TV Kadsre Video Electronic System 2 (game console) | El TV Kadsre Games | El TV Kadsre.co.ek | El TV Player | Lio Books | El Kadsreian Melody (co-owned by Yaseen Film and Television Group and Universal Music El Kadsre | United El Kadsreian Publishing

El TV Kadsre Magazine | El Design Group | El Kadsre News World

Code 82 Corporated | El TV Kadsre Digital | El TV Kadsre DVD | El TV Kadsre Originals | EKM Video | EKTV | Georgelandic Broadcasting Corporation | GBC TV | Matsushita Film Company | Matsushita Georgeland Pictures | EKTV Films | Morita Films (co-owned by Morita) | Ryu Hamasaki Releasing | Tsukuda | VTV Home Video | Video A+Plus | Highlight Communications | United Vlokozuian Publishers

El TV Kadsre Television Network logo