Dream Logos Wiki
Dream Logos Wiki

All companies and channels that i created are ruined by admins and stuff!

  1. Finnbross decided to ruin TBN by not only integrating it into the Rubrum group, but also replaced it with the Levibross Network! Felipebross must die in hell!
  2. Ootwar is mad at "Old Dominion Networks" and somehow renamed it to "Octagon Cable Entertainment" for some reason. I'm supposed to represent the fact that O.C.E. is owned by Old Dominion Media (now called CPN Holdings)! Are you trying to make it indenpendent or something?
  3. Ootwar also got mad at Google Media and replaced with Octagon Cable Entertainment! You heard it folks!

Right now i'm trying to revive my companies, so don't remplace or change them in any way! They're my companies, not yours!
