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2019-2022 2022 2022-present
2019-2022 2022 2022-present

SBT Maranhão[]


SBT 2014

On 8 November 2019, SBT Maranhão was released to various capital cities & regions of Maranhão as a lifetime affiliate of SBT. On March 7, 2020, SBT Maranhão began to share an affiliate with WIN Television after acquiring 45% shares of SBT.

WIN Maranhão[]


WINma 2022

On January 7, 2022, WIN Television acquired the remaining 55% stake in SBT Maranhão as a result of an agreement from SBT and changed its name to WIN Maranhão.

TVCB 1 Maranhão[]


TVCB1 2022

On April 8, 2022, WIN Maranhão changed its name again as TVCB 1 Maranhão

VTE TVCB affiliate stations
Current stations:

Brazil (satellite feed): TVCB 1
Amazonas: WestTV Amazonas (Itacoatiara, Manaus, Parintins)
Acre: WestTV Acre (Cruzeiro do Sul, Rio Branco)
Roraima: UMB TV Roraima (Boa Vista)
Rondônia: WestTV Rondônia (Pimenta Bueno, Ariquemes, Cacoal , Guajará-Mirim, Ji-Paraná, Porto Velho, Alta Floresta d'Oeste, Vilhena)
Amapá: WestTV Amapá (Macapá, Ferreira Gomes, Laranjal do Jari, Serra do Navio)
Pará: TVCB 1 Pará1 (Altamira, Belém, Castanhal, Itaituba, Tailândia, Capanema, Marabá, Vitória do Xingu, Paragominas, Parauapebas, Redenção, São Miguel do Guamá, Tucuruí) | TV Santarèm Central (Santarém)
Tocantins: Rede Mega Tocantins (Araguaína, Gurupi, Palmas)
Maranhão: TVCB 1 Maranhão1 (Balsas, Santa Inês, Bacabal, Caxias, Codó, Imperatriz, São Luís)
Piauí: PBC Piauí (Teresina) | TV Central Brasil (Floriano, Parnaíba)
Ceará: SIT Ceará (Fortaleza, Juazeiro do Norte)
Rio Grande do Norte: RNtv (Natal, Mossoró)
Paraíba: TVCB 1 Paraíba1 (João Pessoa, Campina Grande)
Pernambuco: RCT Nordeste (Olinda, Recife, Caruaru, Petrolina)
Alagoas: TV Megahertz de Alagoas (Maceió)
Sergipe: TVCB 1 Sergipe1 (Aracaju)
Bahia: TVCB 1 Bahia1 (Barreiras, Feira de Santana, Itabuna, Juazeiro, Salvador, Vitória da Conquista)
Brasília: TVCB 1 Brasília1
Goiás: Rede Mega Goiás (Anápolis, Catalão, Goiânia, Itumbiara, Jataí, Luziânia, Porangatu, Rio Verde)
Mato Grosso: MCStv (Cuiabá, Rondonópolis, Barra do Garças, Lucas do Rio Verde, Confresa, Marcelândia, Alta Floresta, Paranatinga, Sinop, Tangará da Serra)
Mato Grosso do Sul: MCStv (Campo Grande, Corumbá, Ponta Porã)
Espírito Santo: UMB TV Espírito Santo (Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Colatina, Linhares, Vitória)
Rio de Janeiro: TVCB 1 Rio1 | TV Leste Fluminense (Cabo Fri, Campos dos Goytacazes, Nova Friburgo/Petrópolis, Barra Mansa, Resende/Volta Redonda)
Minas Gerais: TVCB 1 Minas1 (Belo Horizonte) | TVCB 1 Varginha (Varginha) | PBC Interior (Araxá, Montes Claros, Coronel Fabriciano/Governador Valadares, Ituiutaba, Juiz de Fora, Uberaba, Uberlândia)
São Paulo: TVCB 1 São Paulo1 | PBC Central (Araçatuba, Osasco, Mogi das Cruzes, Campinas, Ribeirão Preto, São Carlos) | UMB TV (Presidente Prudente, Bauru, Itapetininga, São José do Rio Preto, Sorocaba) | Rede Mega Paulista (Santos) | WestTV Litoral Vale (São José dos Campos, Taubaté)
Paraná: TVCB 1 Paraná1 (Apucarana, Cascavel, Curitiba, Francisco Beltrão, Cornélio Procópio, Foz do Iguaçu, Guarapuava, Londrina, Maringá, Paranavaí, Ponta Grossa, Toledo)
Santa Catarina: TVCB 1 Santa Catarina1 (Blumenau, Xanxerê, Chapecó, Criciúma, Itajaí, Florianópolis, Joaçaba, Lages, Joinville)
Rio Grande do Sul: TV Vanguarda RS (Bagé, Caxias do Sul, Cruz Alta, Erechim, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, Santa Cruz do Sul, Santa Maria, Santa Rosa, Uruguaiana)

Parent companies of affiliated stations:
Rede Alfa | UMB | PBC | Grupo Westcountry de Comunicação | Grupo Vanguarda | Sistema Matogrossense de Comunicação | Rede Mega | Sistema Independente de Televisão
Former: Sistema Red de Comunicação | Sistema Rede Carlton | Mediacorp Brasil | Network 10 Paranaense de Comunicação | Grupo Radar TV | Grupo Jaime Tribuna | Tele Ex de Comunicação

Former stations:
TV Red Vitoria | AMTV | Rede Criança | Rede Wand | Carlton | Rede Cidade | TV Coligadas (moved to Globo) | WIN Cariri | WIN Teresina | WIN Floriano | WIN Tocantins

Defunct stations:
WIN (Rosário, Maranhão) (from 1990-1992)

1Owned-and-operated station
Lean as main station

TVCBBR April2022
VTE Mein Corporation

RedeCom | New Network Television | RedeCom International | Western Communications

Mein Entertainment Content:
Film production companies:
21st Century Pictures | Bay Pictures | Filmes da RedeCom | NTB Productions | Produções TVCB | Spicy Animation | Spicy Classics | Spicy Pictures | SpriteFilms | SpritePictures

Home entertainment companies:
NTB Home Entertainment | Spicy Home Entertainment

Television production companies:
Bay Television | Mein Media Ventures | NTB Studios

Broadcast Networks:
United States: CRS | TeleNews Radio4 | Be93 | Cable News Channel
International: National Television Broadcasting (United Kingdom) | TVCB (Brazil) | MDTV (Australia) | Redecom Portugal Radiodifusão (Portugal) | MeinTV5 (Indonesia)

Domestic channels:
NTB One | NTB Two | NTB Three | NTB Showcase | NTB Choice | NTB Culture | NTB News 24

TVCB 1 | TVCB 2 | TVCB 3 | TVCB News | TVCB Cinema | TVCB Prime | TVCB Esporte | TVCB Internacional

RPR 1 | RPR 2 | RPR 3 | RPR Hub

Other channels: Cinema One America4 | DramaTV | Educational Network | Kids Channel | Mega Channel | MeinPlus | MoviesTV | SportsTV | The Women Network | TV270

International channels:
Canada: TV Com Canada | Oasina: Mega Channel Oasina | MegaThai Xtra | Mega News Oasina | Philippines: Mein Filipino | Singapore: The Central Network | Mega Channel Singapore | UK & Ireland: Channel 23 UK

Digital assets:
Bucket Stream | CRS Deportes en línea | Good Jakarta News Network | Mein Player | Noticiero CRS en línea | XMax

Internet properties:
All-Access Newsletter | Honey Online | BrasilLive | BrasilLiving | Good Jakarta Portal News | Mein Online | UKLiving

Mein Printed Publications Media:
Koran Mein Indonesia | Mein Weekly Books

Other assets:
Atlanta Cable News Channel | Austin Cable News Channel | Baltimore Cable News Channel | Charlotte Cable News Channel | CRS Deportes | DFW Cable News Channel | Fentek Television Network (15%) | Houston Cable News Channel | Mein Audio | Mein Childern's in Need | Mein Creative In-House | Mein Digital Services | Mein Domestic Media Networks | Mein EyeQ | Mein Film&Pictures Production | Mein Global Content Distribution | Mein International Network | Mein Lifestyle | Mein Local | Mein News | Mein Proms | Mein Sports | Mein Streaming | Mein Studio Center | Mein Television Center | Mein Vantage | Mein Vision | Mein Worldwide Studios | New York Cable News Channel | Noticiero CRS | Philly Cable News Channel

MBN | MBN Broadcasting House | MBN Tower | MBN Television Stations | MBN News | MBN Sports | MBN (broadcasting division) | Fenix | Chronostorm | T&C Corporation | TMK News | TMK Corp. Russia | The WN | GFMM | Neunuo Holdings | HHB-ZEE Media | Chronoteve | NOWO | RedeCom Production & Holdings | June Media | Mein World | RedeCom Brasil | Organizações WIN | WIN Network | GJH Productions | GJH Pictures | GJH Studios | GJN Sound | Halogen HD | XPlay | RedeCom+ | Mein News Channel | Toonsat | Endemol Shine Mini | Mini TV | Mini Internacional | Glyx TV | Televisão Mix | Televisão Mix Internacional | Ultra Text | Zee 3/Other | CZee | Zee 4 | ZEE Info | Zee.com | XOnline | Spike+ | Zee News | MExperience | RCSatelite | RContent | ComRadio Network | Economic Networks | SpriteTV Corporation | Star EBS News1 | RedeCom Studios | RedeCom Studios International | Toonsat Studios | Chronostorm Studios | Estúdios TVCB | JPM Studios | MBN Media Ventures | MBN News Studios | MBN Sports Studios | MBN Studios | JPM Productions | MBN News Productions | MBN+ Original | MBN Sports Films | RedeCom Pictures | RedeCom Productions | Toonsat Productions | MBN DVD | MBN Home Entertainment | Toonsat Live

1Joint Venture with Disney Networks Philippines.
2Joint venture with CBS Sports through Paramount.
3Joint venture with Nine Entertainment Co.
4Joint venture with ABS-CBN
5Co-owned by MNC Group

Mein Corporation 2023