Dream Logos Wiki
Dream Logos Wiki

New to the Dream Logos Wiki? No problem! We've written a set of tutorials to help you on creating your first page!

Creating logos

Recommended programs

Some programs listed here are useful for creating logos:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Paint.NET
  • Summitsoft Logo Design Studio
  • Paint Tool SAI
  • Autodesk Sketchbook
  • Canva
  • LogoMakr
  • GIMP
  • Inkscape
  • CorelDRAW
  • Paint Shop Pro
  • ABCya Paint
  • Sumo Paint
  • CoolText.com
  • Blender
  • Cinema 4D
  • Doodle Buddy
  • Sothink Logo Maker
  • Art Text

How to Create a Logo in Microsoft PowerPoint

  1. Open a new document in Microsoft PowerPoint.
  2. Blank the slide.
  3. Add your images and shapes.
  4. Add additional effects to your logo.
  5. To save, select the entire logo (use CTRL + A (on Windows/Linux) or Command + A (on Mac)), right click on it (CTRL + click if you're on a Mac) and select "Save as Picture".
  6. You're done!

Recommended Websites
