Channel 6, direct rival to Channel 8 and its sister channels is a channel on the air since January 23, 1986 in Hosona, and everywhere else on the same day in 1999.
1986-1998 [ ]
Logo used from January 23, 1986 to August 2, 1998.
1998-2007 [ ]
Logo used from August 2, 1998 to March 28, 2007. This was the first logo people got to see outside Hosona, as it was in use by 1999.
2007-2020 [ ]
Logo used from March 28, 2007 to December 10, 2020.
2020-2021 [ ]
Logo used from December 10, 2020 to April 7, 2021.
2021-present [ ]
Logo since April 7, 2021.
Alternate rainbow version.
Channel 6 - Rotating Blocks Ident (2021)
"Rotating Blocks" ident.
Channel 6 - "Magnet" Ident (2021)
"Magnet" ident.
Channel 6 - Rotating Blocks (color) Ident (2021)
"Rotating Blocks (color)" ident.
Channel 6 - "Magnet" (white) Ident (2021)
"Magnet (white)" ident.
Channel 6 - "Magnet" (white, alternate) Ident (2021)
"Magnet (white)" ident, alternate.
Channel 6 - "Magnet" (color, version 2) Ident (2021)
"Magnet (color)" ident, version 2.