BBC Three is a British free-to-air television channel operated by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Launched on 9 February 2003 as a replacement for BBC Choice, the service's remit was to provide "innovative programming" to a target audience of viewers between 16 and 34 years old, leveraging technology as well as new talent.
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- BBC 3 (Gawah)
- BBC Three
- BBC Three (Berriesland)
- BBC Three (Czech Republic)
- BBC Three (Debutland)
- BBC Three (Discoville)
- BBC Three (France)
- BBC Three (Gavidian)
- BBC Three (GGK Multi Channels)
- BBC Three (Inghliterra)
- BBC Three (Redvale)
- BBC Three (Sweden)
- BBC Three (USA)
- BBC Three Deutschland
- BBC Three España
- BBC Three Italia
- BBC Three Wales